Zika Virus: A Basic Overview of an Emerging Arboviral Infection in the Western Hemisphere


Vest Kelly G.


AbstractSince February 2015, Zika virus has spread throughout the Western Hemisphere, starting in Brazil. As of March 2016, autochthonous transmission has been reported in at least 31 countries or territories. For countries in the Americas, the spread of Zika virus, a previously unfamiliar disease, follows similar emerging infection introductions of West Nile virus and Chikungunya virus and their spread throughout the American continents and the Caribbean nations. The Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization have issued alerts and a Public Health Emergency of International Concern announcement related to the recent cluster of microcephaly cases and other neurological disorders in Brazil that are temporally associated with Zika virus, which highlights the possible adverse impact of viral infection. This article provides an overview of the Zika virus infection and presents the historical background of the virus, a description of the pathogen, the epidemiology and clinical spectrum of Zika virus infection, diagnosis and treatment approaches, and prevention and control measures. Understanding what is known about the virus and its clinical presentation will assist in prevention, detection, and response measures to reduce and control the spread of the virus throughout the Western Hemisphere. (Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness. 2016;page 1 of 6)


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

Reference52 articles.

1. Interim Guidelines for Prevention of Sexual Transmission of Zika Virus — United States, 2016

2. Zika Virus Infection Among U.S. Pregnant Travelers — August 2015–February 2016

3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Zika Virus: Symptoms, Diagnosis, & Treatment. http://www.cdc.gov/zika/symptoms/index.html. Version current February 3, 2016. Accessed February 12, 2016.

4. Pan American Health Organization. Epidemiological Alert - Zika Virus Infection. 7 May 2015. http://www.paho.org/hq/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_view&Itemid=270&gid=30075&lang=en. Published May 7, 2015. Accessed February 10, 2016.

5. Etymologia: Zika Virus

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