Some Key Aspects of the 1982 Draft Constitution of the People's Republic of China


Weng Byron


The Draft Constitution of the People's Republic of China (PRC), released on 27 April 1982, appears to be the most comprehensive, detailed (if somewhat wordy) and reasonable (as opposed to revolutionary, erratic) since 1949. Unlike its predecessors of 1975 and 1978, it is, no doubt, a product of more careful, more balanced efforts, involving the participation of scholars and legal professionals as well as politicians and Party cadres. Barring unforseen developments, this document will be adopted in more or less its present form later this year. The Constitution of the Communist Party of China (CPC) will also be revised, probably at the same time or a little later. Significantly, the State Constitution will probably set the tone for the Party Constitution to follow rather than the other way round. In this respect as in its fundamental conception, style, and contents, the 1982 Draft resembles the Constitution of 1954 and differs from those of 1975 and 1978. Perhaps this is why the new Draft has been described as “the Second Constitution”-to-be by Hu Sheng, a deputy secretary-general of the Committee for the Revision of the Constitution.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Political Science and International Relations,Development,Geography, Planning and Development

Reference33 articles.

1. Houn Franklin W. , “Communist China's New Constitution,” Western Political Quarterly, 06 1955.

2. China's Changing Constitution;Cohen;China Quarterly,1978

3. Beijing Review 25:19 (10 05 1982), p. 26.

4. Shangwu Zhang , “Zichan Jieji Fenquan Xueshuo de Liluen han Shijian” (“Theory and practice of the separation of powers by the capitalist class”) Renmin Ribao, 7 10 1980, p. 5

5. Xiaochong Shi , “Jianquan Guojia Zhengzhi Zhidu Wenti Zhuyi” “Preliminary discussions on the question of improving the national political system”), Minzhu yu Fazhi, 10 1981, pp. 6–7.

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