Using deep-learning in fetal ultrasound analysis for diagnosis of cystic hygroma in the first trimester


Walker Mark C.ORCID,Willner Inbal,Miguel Olivier X.,Murphy Malia S. Q.,El-Chaâr Darine,Moretti Felipe,Dingwall Harvey Alysha L. J.,Rennicks White RuthORCID,Muldoon Katherine A.ORCID,Carrington André M.ORCID,Hawken Steven,Aviv Richard I.


Objective To develop and internally validate a deep-learning algorithm from fetal ultrasound images for the diagnosis of cystic hygromas in the first trimester. Methods All first trimester ultrasound scans with a diagnosis of a cystic hygroma between 11 and 14 weeks gestation at our tertiary care centre in Ontario, Canada were studied. Ultrasound scans with normal nuchal translucency were used as controls. The dataset was partitioned with 75% of images used for model training and 25% used for model validation. Images were analyzed using a DenseNet model and the accuracy of the trained model to correctly identify cases of cystic hygroma was assessed by calculating sensitivity, specificity, and the area under the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Gradient class activation heat maps (Grad-CAM) were generated to assess model interpretability. Results The dataset included 289 sagittal fetal ultrasound images;129 cystic hygroma cases and 160 normal NT controls. Overall model accuracy was 93% (95% CI: 88–98%), sensitivity 92% (95% CI: 79–100%), specificity 94% (95% CI: 91–96%), and the area under the ROC curve 0.94 (95% CI: 0.89–1.0). Grad-CAM heat maps demonstrated that the model predictions were driven primarily by the fetal posterior cervical area. Conclusions Our findings demonstrate that deep-learning algorithms can achieve high accuracy in diagnostic interpretation of cystic hygroma in the first trimester, validated against expert clinical assessment.


Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health


Public Library of Science (PLoS)



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