Protective and risk factors of mental health of working age adults with adventitious total bilateral blindness and low vision: A scoping review protocol


Dike NneomaORCID,D’Ambruoso Lucia,Morgan Heather May,Skea Zoë,Tarburn Emma-Louise


Vision loss has been associated with mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder, which significantly impact lives of working age adults with adventitious total bilateral blindness and low vision. It is imperative, therefore, to prioritize the mental health in this population by exploring and understanding the factors that impact on their mental health. Hence, the objective of this scoping review is to identify and chart existing literature on the protective and risk factors of mental health of working age adults with adventitious total bilateral blindness and low vision. We developed this scoping review protocol in line with the Joanna Briggs Institute guidance. This scoping review will include publications in English language with no date restrictions exploring the protective and risk factors of mental health of our study population. A three-step search strategy will be employed. Searches will be carried out in the following databases: Medline, Embase, PsycInfo, PsycArticles, CINAHL and Web of Science. Search for grey literature will be conducted in Google, Google Scholar and Websites dedicated to information on visual impairment. Collated results will be imported into Endnote Basic (Clarivate) for deduplication. Two reviewers will independently conduct double screening of all the titles and abstracts in Rayyan- a web application, and full texts in Endnote while three other reviewers will conduct screening of a subset of for example 10% of titles and abstracts and full texts. Furthermore, two reviewers will independently conduct double data extraction while three other reviewers will revise, cross check, and correct any extraction errors. Extracted data will be presented in tabular formats and summarized descriptively in line with the research objectives. This scoping review will generate evidence on factors impacting the mental health of the working age adults with adventitious total bilateral blindness and low vision as well as critically highlight gaps in the literature. The findings will inform and critically underpin future empirical research which will explore the lived experiences of working age people with adventitious total bilateral blindness. Additionally, evidence from this review will inform the development of interventions in the promotion of mental health as well as assisting rehabilitation specialists and workers, public health practitioners and other relevant stakeholders in addressing the mental health needs of working age adults with adventitious total bilateral blindness and low vision.


Public Library of Science (PLoS)



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