Examination of alternative eGFR definitions on the performance of deep learning models for detection of chronic kidney disease from fundus photographs


An SongyangORCID,Vaghefi EhsanORCID,Yang SongORCID,Xie Li,Squirrell David


Deep learning (DL) models have shown promise in detecting chronic kidney disease (CKD) from fundus photographs. However, previous studies have utilized a serum creatinine-only estimated glomerular rate (eGFR) equation to measure kidney function despite the development of more up-to-date methods. In this study, we developed two sets of DL models using fundus images from the UK Biobank to ascertain the effects of using a creatinine and cystatin-C eGFR equation over the baseline creatinine-only eGFR equation on fundus image-based DL CKD predictors. Our results show that a creatinine and cystatin-C eGFR significantly improved classification performance over the baseline creatinine-only eGFR when the models were evaluated conventionally. However, these differences were no longer significant when the models were assessed on clinical labels based on ICD10. Furthermore, we also observed variations in model performance and systemic condition incidence between our study and the ones conducted previously. We hypothesize that limitations in existing eGFR equations and the paucity of retinal features uniquely indicative of CKD may contribute to these inconsistencies. These findings emphasize the need for developing more transparent models to facilitate a better understanding of the mechanisms underpinning the ability of DL models to detect CKD from fundus images.


Callaghan Innovation


Public Library of Science (PLoS)










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