Mediating effects of nurses ‘personal and organizational values between organizational commitment and turnover: Cross-sectional study


Wei Wentong,Gan Mengxin,Liu Yanhui,Yang Mengyu,Liu JingyingORCID


Background The values of individuals and organizations are the core factors driving and guiding nurses’ decision-making and actions. Previous studies mainly focused on the impact of organizational commitment and other influencing factors on turnover intention. Aim To explore the mediating effect of personal and organizational values matching the relationship between organizational commitment and turnover intention of nursing staff. Methods A cross-sectional survey of 490 subjects in four tertiary hospitals in Tianjin was conducted by convenient sampling. Multivariate regression analysis and structural equation models were used to test each hypothesis. Results The results showed that there is a negative correlation between personal and organizational values, organizational commitment and turnover intention, and personal and organizational values played an indirect intermediary role between organizational commitment and turnover intention. Conclusions Organizational commitment reduces nurses’ turnover intention indirect through personal and organizational values paths. Leaders can improve nurses’ values as members of the organization, so as to participate in their own work more actively. Implications for nursing management Managers should effectively reduce the turnover rate and stabilize the nursing team by improving the organizational commitment and personal and organizational values of clinical nurses.


Innovative Research Group Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China


Public Library of Science (PLoS)



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