iPiDA-SWGCN: Identification of piRNA-disease associations based on Supplementarily Weighted Graph Convolutional Network


Hou Jialu,Wei Hang,Liu BinORCID


Accurately identifying potential piRNA-disease associations is of great importance in uncovering the pathogenesis of diseases. Recently, several machine-learning-based methods have been proposed for piRNA-disease association detection. However, they are suffering from the high sparsity of piRNA-disease association network and the Boolean representation of piRNA-disease associations ignoring the confidence coefficients. In this study, we propose a supplementarily weighted strategy to solve these disadvantages. Combined with Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs), a novel predictor called iPiDA-SWGCN is proposed for piRNA-disease association prediction. There are three main contributions of iPiDA-SWGCN: (i) Potential piRNA-disease associations are preliminarily supplemented in the sparse piRNA-disease network by integrating various basic predictors to enrich network structure information. (ii) The original Boolean piRNA-disease associations are assigned with different relevance confidence to learn node representations from neighbour nodes in varying degrees. (iii) The experimental results show that iPiDA-SWGCN achieves the best performance compared with the other state-of-the-art methods, and can predict new piRNA-disease associations.


National Natural Science Foundation of China

Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province


Public Library of Science (PLoS)


Computational Theory and Mathematics,Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience,Genetics,Molecular Biology,Ecology,Modeling and Simulation,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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1. Databases and computational methods for the identification of piRNA-related molecules: A survey;Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal;2024-12

2. CLPiDA: A Contrastive Learning Approach for Predicting Potential PiRNA-Disease Associations;2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM);2023-12-05








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