Establishing brain states in neuroimaging data


Dezhina Zalina,Smallwood Jonathan,Xu Ting,Turkheimer Federico E.,Moran Rosalyn J.,Friston Karl J.ORCID,Leech Robert,Fagerholm Erik D.ORCID


The definition of a brain state remains elusive, with varying interpretations across different sub-fields of neuroscience—from the level of wakefulness in anaesthesia, to activity of individual neurons, voltage in EEG, and blood flow in fMRI. This lack of consensus presents a significant challenge to the development of accurate models of neural dynamics. However, at the foundation of dynamical systems theory lies a definition of what constitutes the ’state’ of a system—i.e., a specification of the system’s future. Here, we propose to adopt this definition to establish brain states in neuroimaging timeseries by applying Dynamic Causal Modelling (DCM) to low-dimensional embedding of resting and task condition fMRI data. We find that ~90% of subjects in resting conditions are better described by first-order models, whereas ~55% of subjects in task conditions are better described by second-order models. Our work calls into question the status quo of using first-order equations almost exclusively within computational neuroscience and provides a new way of establishing brain states, as well as their associated phase space representations, in neuroimaging datasets.


Economic and Social Research Council

Medical Research Council

AI Centre for Value Based Healthcare

Data to Early Diagnosis and Precision Medicine Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund,

UK Research and Innovation


Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) at South London

Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

Wellcome Trust

King's College London


Public Library of Science (PLoS)


Computational Theory and Mathematics,Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience,Genetics,Molecular Biology,Ecology,Modeling and Simulation,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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