A new human embryonic cell type associated with activity of young transposable elements allows definition of the inner cell mass


Singh Manvendra,Kondrashkina Aleksandra M.,Widmann Thomas J.,Cortes Jose L.,Bansal Vikas,Wang Jichang,Römer Christine,Garcia-Canadas Marta,Garcia-Perez Jose L.,Hurst Laurence D.ORCID,Izsvák ZsuzsannaORCID


There remains much that we do not understand about the earliest stages of human development. On a gross level, there is evidence for apoptosis, but the nature of the affected cell types is unknown. Perhaps most importantly, the inner cell mass (ICM), from which the foetus is derived and hence of interest in reproductive health and regenerative medicine, has proven hard to define. Here, we provide a multi-method analysis of the early human embryo to resolve these issues. Single-cell analysis (on multiple independent datasets), supported by embryo visualisation, uncovers a common previously uncharacterised class of cells lacking commitment markers that segregates after embryonic gene activation (EGA) and shortly after undergo apoptosis. The discovery of this cell type allows us to clearly define their viable ontogenetic sisters, these being the cells of the ICM. While ICM is characterised by the activity of an Old non-transposing endogenous retrovirus (HERVH) that acts to suppress Young transposable elements, the new cell type, by contrast, expresses transpositionally competent Young elements and DNA-damage response genes. As the Young elements are RetroElements and the cells are excluded from the developmental process, we dub these REject cells. With these and ICM being characterised by differential mobile element activities, the human embryo may be a “selection arena” in which one group of cells selectively die, while other less damaged cells persist.


Public Library of Science (PLoS)


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Immunology and Microbiology,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Neuroscience

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