Exploring pain interference with motor skill learning in humans: A systematic review


Matthews DavidORCID,Cancino Edith ElguetaORCID,Falla DeborahORCID,Khatibi AliORCID


Motor learning underpins successful motor skill acquisition. Although it is well known that pain changes the way we move, it’s impact on motor learning is less clear. The aim of this systematic review was to synthesize evidence on the impact of experimental and clinical pain on task performance and activity-dependent plasticity measures across learning and explore these findings in relation to different pain and motor learning paradigms. Five databases were searched: Web of Science, Scopus, MEDLINE, Embase and CINAHL. Two reviewers independently screened the studies, extracted data, and assessed risk of bias using the Cochrane ROB2 and ROBIN-I. The overall strength of evidence was rated using the GRADE guidelines. Due to the heterogeneity of study methodologies a narrative synthesis was employed. Twenty studies were included in the review: fifteen experimental pain and five clinical pain studies, covering multiple motor paradigms. GRADE scores for all outcome measures suggested limited confidence in the reported effect for experimental pain and clinical pain, on motor learning. There was no impact of pain on any of the task performance measures following acquisition except for ‘accuracy’ during a tongue protrusion visuomotor task and ‘timing of errors’ during a motor adaptation locomotion task. Task performance measures at retention, and activity dependent measures at both acquisition and retention showed conflicting results. This review delivers a detailed synthesis of research studies exploring the impact of pain on motor learning. This is despite the challenges provided by the heterogeneity of motor learning paradigms, outcome measures and pain paradigms employed in these studies. The results highlight important questions for further research with the goal of strengthening the confidence of findings in this area.


Public Library of Science (PLoS)



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1. The Role of Autonomic Nervous System in Pain Chronicity;Topics in Autonomic Nervous System;2023-11-02








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