Lifestyle elements and risk of metabolic syndrome in adults


Suliga EdytaORCID,Ciesla Elzbieta,Lelonek MagdalenaORCID,Piechowska AgnieszkaORCID,Gluszek Stanislaw


Background The aim of the study was to investigate which elements of lifestyle are associated with metabolic health in adults, defined as the absence of components of metabolic syndrome (MetS) based on the International Diabetes Federation criteria. Methods Data from 10,277 individuals aged 40–65 years constituted the material of this study. Univariate and multivariate analyses with backward stepwise selection were carried out to identify the factors associated with the absence of metabolic disorders. Results No family history of cardiovascular disease increased the odds of being metabolically healthy 1.5-2-fold. Furthermore, the following factors were associated with higher odds of being metabolically healthy in men: abstinence from alcohol (healthy individuals vs. those with ≥3 [OR = 5.49 (2.23–13.52); p<0.001], ≥2 [OR = 4.52 (1.87–10.91); p = 0.001], and ≥1 components of MetS [OR = 3.04 (1.41–6.56); p = 0.005]), moderate alcohol use (healthy individuals vs. those with ≥3 [OR = 3.36 (1.54–7.32); p = 0.002], ≥2 [OR = 3.28 (1.52–7.10); p = 0.002], and ≥1 components of MetS [OR = 3.93 (1.64–9.42); p = 0.002]), moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) >2 hours/day and sitting time of 3–6 hours/day. Drinking >2 cups of coffee per day (healthy vs. those with ≥3 [OR = 2.00 (1.47–2.71)], ≥2 [OR = 1.84 (1.38–2.45)], and ≥1 components of MetS [OR = 1.72 (1.30–2.28); all p<0.001]), limiting animal fats to <2 servings/day, MVPA >2 hours/day, and 7–8 hours of sleep per day were associated with higher odds of being metabolically healthy in women. Conclusions A healthy lifestyle increased the odds of being metabolically healthy. Some lifestyle modifications may appear effective in prevention of not only MetS, but also single metabolic risk factors.


the Minister of Science and Higher Education under the name “Regional Initiative of Excellence” in Poland

Maria Sklodowska-Curie Institute of Oncology in Warsaw

Polish-Norwegian Foundation Research Fund


Public Library of Science (PLoS)



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