Objective assessment of tapering of the fingers in adults


Weinberg Seth M.ORCID


Mild proximal-to-distal tapering of the fingers is a relatively common trait in humans. When more extreme, finger tapering is a feature observed in many genetic syndromes. The range of variation for finger tapering in the general population is not well understood, and sex differences in the degree of tapering, while suspected, have not been documented. Part of the difficulty is a lack of objective methods to evaluate finger tapering. In the present report, we developed a tapering index based on linear measures derived from digital hand scans. We measured this index in a sample of 166 male and 166 age-matched female adults. We then looked at correlations both among fingers and with demographic and anthropometric variables, followed by tests for sex differences. We observed weak correlations between tapering and age, height and weight. Correlations between pairs of fingers tended to be more in the moderate range and were highest among the middle three fingers (ranging from 0.34 to 0.64). Tapering tended to increase slightly moving radially across the hand from the fifth finger to the second finger. Males showed less tapering than females for all fingers, with statistically significant differences involving the left second finger (p = 0.003), left fifth finger (p< 0.001), right second finger (p = 0.038), and right fourth finger (p = 0.021). Finally, we established baseline norms for both males and females out to three standard deviations. Our results indicate that finger tapering is present, to some degree, in most of the population and that the trait can be measured using a relatively simple and non-invasive method. These findings may have relevance for fields as diverse as medical genetics, forensics, and industrial design.


National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research


Public Library of Science (PLoS)



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