Safe infant feeding in healthcare facilities: Assessment of infection prevention and control conditions and behaviors in India, Malawi, and Tanzania


Caruso Bethany A.ORCID,Paniagua Uriel,Hoffman Irving,Manji KarimORCID,Saidi FridayORCID,Sudfeld Christopher R.ORCID,Vernekar Sunil S.,Bakari Mohamed,Duggan Christopher P.,Kibogoyo George C.,Kisenge Rodrick,Somji Sarah,Kafansiyanji Eddah,Mvalo Tisungane,Nyirenda Naomie,Phiri Melda,Bellad Roopa,Dhaded Sangappa,K. A. Chaya,Koppad Bhavana,Nabapure Shilpa,Nanda SaumyaORCID,Singh Bipsa,Yogeshkumar S.,Fleming Katelyn,North Krysten,Tuller Danielle E.,Semrau Katherine E. A.,Vesel LindaORCID,Young Melissa F.ORCID,


Infants need to receive care in environments that limit their exposure to pathogens. Inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) environments and suboptimal infection prevention and control practices in healthcare settings contribute to the burden of healthcare-associated infections, which are particularly high in low-income settings. Specific research is needed to understand infant feeding preparation in healthcare settings, a task involving multiple behaviors that can introduce pathogens and negatively impact health. To understand feeding preparation practices and potential risks, and to inform strategies for improvement, we assessed facility WASH environments and observed infant feeding preparation practices across 12 facilities in India, Malawi, and Tanzania serving newborn infants. Research was embedded within the Low Birthweight Infant Feeding Exploration (LIFE) observational cohort study, which documented feeding practices and growth patterns to inform feeding interventions. We assessed WASH-related environments and feeding policies of all 12 facilities involved in the LIFE study. Additionally, we used a guidance-informed tool to carry out 27 feeding preparation observations across 9 facilities, enabling assessment of 270 total behaviors. All facilities had ‘improved’ water and sanitation services. Only 50% had written procedures for preparing expressed breastmilk; 50% had written procedures for cleaning, drying, and storage of infant feeding implements; and 33% had written procedures for preparing infant formula. Among 270 behaviors assessed across the 27 feeding preparation observations, 46 (17.0%) practices were carried out sub-optimally, including preparers not handwashing prior to preparation, and cleaning, drying, and storing of feeding implements in ways that do not effectively prevent contamination. While further research is needed to improve assessment tools and to identify specific microbial risks of the suboptimal behaviors identified, the evidence generated is sufficient to justify investment in developing guidance and programing to strengthen infant feeding preparation practices to ensure optimal newborn health.


Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


Public Library of Science (PLoS)

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