Investigation of secretoneurin as a potential biomarker of brain injury in very preterm infants: A pilot study


Posod AnnaORCID,Wechselberger Karina,Pellkofer Yasmin,Hammerl Marlene,Urbanek Martina,Huber Eva,Kiechl-Kohlendorfer Ursula,Griesmaier ElkeORCID


Neurodevelopmental impairment is a significant complication among survivors of preterm birth. To improve outcomes, reliable biomarkers for early detection of brain injury and prognostic assessment are required. Secretoneurin is a promising early biomarker of brain injury in adults and full-term neonates suffering from perinatal asphyxia. Data on preterm infants is currently lacking. The aim of this pilot study was to determine secretoneurin concentrations in preterm infants in the neonatal period, and to assess secretoneurin’s potential as a biomarker of preterm brain injury. We included 38 very preterm infants (VPI) born at <32 weeks’ gestation in the study. Secretoneurin concentrations were measured in serum samples obtained from the umbilical cord, at 48 hours and 3 weeks of life. Outcome measures included repeated cerebral ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging at term-equivalent age, general movements assessment, and neurodevelopmental assessment at a corrected age of 2 years by the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, third edition (Bayley-III). In comparison to a term-born reference population, VPI had lower secretoneurin serum concentrations in umbilical cord blood and blood collected at 48 hours of life. When measured at 3 weeks of life, concentrations correlated with gestational age at birth. Secretoneurin concentrations did not differ between VPI with an imaging-based diagnosis of brain injury and those without, but when measured in umbilical cord blood and at 3 weeks of life correlated with and were predictive of Bayley-III motor and cognitive scale scores. Secretoneurin levels in VPI differ from term-born neonates. Secretoneurin seems unsuitable as a diagnostic biomarker of preterm brain injury, but bears some prognostic potential and is worthy of further investigation as a blood-based biomarker of preterm brain injury.


Tiroler Wissenschaftsfonds


Public Library of Science (PLoS)



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