Defects in immune response to Toxoplasma gondii are associated with enhanced HIV-1-related neurocognitive impairment in co-infected patients


Escobar-Guevara Edwin ElielORCID,de Quesada-Martínez María Esther,Roldán-Dávila Yhajaira Beatriz,Alarcón de Noya Belkisyolé,Alfonzo-Díaz Miguel Antonio


Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) and Toxoplasma gondii can invade the central nervous system and affect its functionality. Advanced HIV-1 infection has been associated with defects in immune response to T. gondii, leading to reactivation of latent infections and development of toxoplasmic encephalitis. This study evaluates relationship between changes in immune response to T. gondii and neurocognitive impairment in HIV-1/T. gondii co-infected patients, across different stages of HIV-1 infection. The study assessed the immune response to T. gondii by measuring cytokine production in response to parasite antigens, and also neurocognitive functions by performing auditory and visual P300 cognitive evoked potentials, short term memory (Sternberg) and executive function tasks (Wisconsin Card Sorting Test-WCST) in 4 groups of individuals: HIV-1/T. gondii co-infected (P2), HIV-1-infected/T. gondii-non-infected (P1), HIV-1-non-infected/T. gondii-infected (C2) and HIV-1-non-infected/T. gondii-non-infected (C1). Patients (P1 and P2) were grouped in early/asymptomatic (P1A and P2A) or late/symptomatic (P1B/C and P2B/C) according to peripheral blood CD4+ T lymphocyte counts (>350 or <350/μL, respectively). Groups were compared using T-student or U-Mann-Whitney tests as appropriate, p<0.05 was considered as significantly. For P300 waves, HIV-1-infected patients (P1) had significantly longer latencies and significantly smaller amplitudes than uninfected controls, but HIV-1/T. gondii co-infected patients (P2) had significantly longer latencies and smaller amplitude than P1. P1 patients had significantly poorer results than uninfected controls in Sternberg and WCST, but P2 had significantly worse results than P1. HIV-1 infection was associated with significantly lower production of IL-2, TNF-α and IFN-γ in response to T. gondii from early/asymptomatic stages, when comparing P2 patients to C2 controls. These findings may indicate impairment in anti-parasitic response in co-infected patients, facilitating early limited reactivation of the parasitic latent infection, therefore creating cumulative damage in the brain and affecting neurocognitive functions from asymptomatic stages of HIV-1 infection, as suggested by defects in co-infected patients in this study.


Fondo Nacional de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación

Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas


Public Library of Science (PLoS)



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