Quantifying the Emergence Profile Contour for Immediate Provisionalization: A Proposed Mathematical Model


El Chaar Edgard1,White Cecilia2,Salama Toni3,Andrawis Andrew4


1. New York University College of Dentistry, New York, NY.

2. Private practice, NJ.

3. Private practice, NY.

4. Ashman Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, New York University, New York, NY; and private practice, New York, New Jersey.


Identifying the ideal position of the final restoration prior to implant surgery is essential for optimal esthetics. The study of the emergence contour design of implant restorations has been limited. The aim of this report is to compile the factors that affect the final esthetic outcome and integrate those factors into an easy-to-use model. This geometric model includes a linear distance created by the placement of an implant platform in relation to the free gingival margin and a circle representing the emergence profile to create an emergence curve. If this model is evaluated and available, a practitioner can make appropriate decisions based on 3-dimensional immediate implant concepts.


American Academy of Implant Dentistry


Oral Surgery

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