
Azhikova Alfiya1,Samotrueva Marina2,Fel'dman Bronislav3


1. FGBOU VO Astrahanskiy GMU Minzdrava Rossii

2. Astrakhan State Medical University

3. Astrahanskiy gosudarstvennyy medicinskiy universitet


Abstract. The aim studying the effect of liquid extract leaf Ginkgo biloba on the psychoemotional status of rats under conditions of thermal skin injury. Materials and methods. The subject of the study was sexually mature male nonlinear white rats. Burn wounds were modeled in the interscapular region of the back. To study psychoemotional status, rat behavior studies were conducted using standard psychophysiological tests: Open Field and Porsolt. Results of the study. In the conditions of burn damage to the skin, signs of an alarming-depressive state, in particular disorientation in space, suppression of the psychoemotional state, and a change in the nature of behavioral reactions were noted. The study also found that the external use of Ginkgo biloba leaf extract contributed to a decrease in situational anxiety and the appearance of depressive-like behavioral reactions that arose under conditions of thermal skin injury. Conclusion. Thus, the revealed changes in the psychoemotional status of rats in burn skin damage are the result of functional disorders of the brain, activated during protective and adaptation reactions in burn injury. Results of assessment of psychoemotional state of animals in case of skin burn injury confirm involvement of nervous system in response to stress, reflex activity of which under stress conditions is manifested in change of behavioral reactions. Taking into account the psycho-corrective effect of Ginkgo bilobate leaf extract against the background of thermal skin injury, it is legitimate to argue that it is advisable to correct systemic homeostasis disorders accompanying the burn process.

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