Overexpression of xCT induces up-regulation of 14-3-3β in Kaposi's sarcoma


Zeng Yan12,Li Yan2,Chen Ri-Sheng2,He Xin2,Yang Lei3,Li Wei2


1. Key Laboratory of Xinjiang Endemic and Ethnic Disease, Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Shihezi University, Xinjiang 832000, People's Republic of China

2. Key Laboratory of Molecular and Developmental Biology, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, People's Republic of China

3. College of Public Health, Hangzhou Normal University, Zhejiang 310036, People's Republic of China


KSHV (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus), or HHV-8 (human herpesvirus 8), is associated with the pathogenesis of KS, the most common AIDS-related malignancy. xCT (functional subunit of the cystine/glutamate transporter xc− system) is known as the HHV-8 fusion-entry receptor as well as an oncogenic protein. How the xCT triggers the signal transduction of HHV-8 infection and the cell proliferation remains incomplete. We found that xCT was overexpressed in KS tissues and HHV-8-positive BCBL-1 cells. When xCT cDNA plasmids were transfected into the HHV-8-negative BJAB cells, the expression of 14-3-3β and cell growth rate were increased. In contrast, the expression of 14-3-3β and the cell growth rate of HHV-8-positive BCBL-1 cells were suppressed by either xCT siRNA (short interfering RNA) or an xCT inhibitor, sulfsalazine. These results suggest that 14-3-3β is a downstream effector of xCT in KS to mediate the cell proliferation.


Portland Press Ltd.


Cell Biology,Molecular Biology,Biochemistry,Biophysics

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