Q Angle: Effects of Isometric Quadriceps Contractions and Body Position


Arooj Kashaf,Sharif Faiza,Ahmad Ashfaq,Amir Gilani Syed


Quadriceps angle or Q angle is quadriceps femoris angle and also called extensor muscle angle. It is formed from anterior superior iliac spine to the patellar center and from center of patella to tibial tuberosity. Q angle is linked many knee disorders like patella-femoral pain and varied in male and females. Objective: To evaluate the effect of change in anatomic positions like lateral deviation of tibia, tibial tuberosity and hyper-extended knee on the Q angle value Methods: Study is cross sectional in nature, randomized control trial adopted to select the healthy subjects without any recent and past knee injury. Ninety patients including 55 females and 35 males were chosen randomly. Q angle were measured goniometrically with contracted and relaxed state of quadriceps in both supine and standing position Results: The results shows that females have higher Q angle than male students and while during contracted state as compared to relaxed position. Q angle is greater in supine position than in standing position Conclusions: Females have higher Q angle and has more chances of knee injuries as compared to men. Different foot positions also affect the value of Q angle in supine and standing as well.


CrossLinks International Publishers








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