Knowledge of Pregnant Women Regarding the Mode of Delivery among the Primary Gravida


Zainab Imamah,Saddique Humaira,Jabeen Rubina


Caesarean sections (CS) are becoming more commonplace. Pregnant women's awareness of childbirth options, the causes contributing to their lack of information, and their desire for CS delivery were little understood. Objective: To assess the knowledge of pregnant women regarding the mode of delivery among the primary gravida. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional research study design was conducted at Jinnah Hospital Lahore during January to June 2023. About 171 pregnant patients were enrolled to assess the knowledge of pregnant women of the first gravida. Data analysis was done through (SPSS) version 21.0. The Bartlett and KMO values have been checked to ensure validity and reliability in our context. Results: Out of 171 pregnant females, 90.6% were aged 21-30 years. Approximately 67.3% believed that vaginal birth is a natural and appropriate way of delivery, and 87.7% believed that the infant might be obtained early within minutes by vaginal delivery. About 88.3% females thought that vaginal delivery is better than cesarean section, however 85.5% also thought that it is also risky for baby. Conclusions: Generally, the knowledge of pregnant women about the mode of delivery and benefits of vaginal delivery is good in this study. But due to their thought about risk to the fetus, mostly select cesarean section over vaginal delivery. Therefore, the patient should be educated about the knowledge of pregnant women’s mode of delivery to control the (CS) rate.


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