Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Burnout Among Nurses


Nadeem Sehar,Saddique Humaira,Jabeen Rubina


Over the last spans burnout and job satisfaction were highly momentous in nursing. Burnout and job satisfaction is a psychosomatic issue that appears in difficult personal relations as sections of their work environment Objective: To explore the relationship between job satisfaction and burnout among nurses. Methods: A descriptive correlational study design was used to determine the relationship between job satisfaction and burnout in nurses. The study sample is 133 staff nurses. A convenient sampling technique is used to collect data from nurses of Jinnah Hospital Lahore. The study took approximately 9 months. Data analysis were done through SPSS version 21.0. Results: The majority of nurses were found to be unsatisfied with their jobs. It was observed that staff nurses' job burnout and its element existed. Most of the nurses were higher levels of depersonalization and emotional weariness compared to low accomplishment when it came to burnout components, particularly concerning emotional exhaustion. The biggest percentage of nurses experienced severe burnout and low levels of job satisfaction. The KMO, Bartlett’s test, Cronbach alpha, correlations, ANOVA, coefficients, and value have been checked the validity and reliability in our context. The value shows negative and significant results. Which also identified a substantial negative association between job satisfaction and burnout. Conclusions: Most nurses are facing significant levels of burnout and low level of job satisfaction. It recommended recently created techniques to overcome burnout and enhance job satisfaction, ultimately improving healthcare.


CrossLinks International Publishers







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