Squamous Cell Papilloma in a Student Aviator


Swinson Karl,Burlile Jessica,Pavelites Joseph


BACKGROUND: Although oropharyngeal squamous cell papilloma (OSCP) is not uncommon in the general population, reports of OSCP in aviators are rare. This case report serves as a call for flight surgeons to consider all oropharyngeal pathology as a potential source of airway compromise during flight, and highlights regional risk factors for developing malignancies of the oropharynx.CASE REPORT: A 24-yr-old male foreign national student aviator from a central Asian country was at Fort Rucker for flight training. He presented to the clinic with a chief complaint of sore throat and cough for 2 d. He was afebrile but reported a history of a “throat” mass which was previously evaluated by a U.S. military otolaryngologist. Said mass was approximately 0.5 cm × 0.5 cm, irregular appearing, inflamed, and protruding from the inferior aspect of the right tonsil. Previous biopsy report revealed a squamous cell papilloma and, after consideration of the pilot’s training program, active surveillance of the lesion was mutually agreed upon until the student’s training had concluded and definitive excision was performed.DISCUSSION: A robust history and physical exam including an occupational, social, and environmental exposure history is crucial to diagnosis. Foreign national patients often have unique backgrounds that merit consideration when developing a differential diagnosis, assessment, and plan. In the field of Flight Medicine, a patient’s occupational demands are essential to his or her care. In particular, any potential obstruction of the airway during flight must be considered, even if a pathology does not represent an immediate threat to the pilot’s health.Swinson K, Burlile J, Pavelites J. Squamous cell papilloma in a student aviator. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2019; 90(11):978–981.


Aerospace Medical Association


General Medicine








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