IKK/NF-κB regulates skeletal myogenesis via a signaling switch to inhibit differentiation and promote mitochondrial biogenesis


Bakkar Nadine12,Wang Jingxin1,Ladner Katherine J.1,Wang Huating1,Dahlman Jason M.1,Carathers Micheal1,Acharyya Swarnali1,Rudnicki Michael A.3,Hollenbach Andrew D.4,Guttridge Denis C.125


1. Human Cancer Genetics Program, Department of Molecular Virology, Immunology, and Medical Genetics

2. Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology Graduate Program,

3. Molecular Medicine Program, Ottawa Health Research Institute, Ottawa K1Y 4E9, Ontario, Canada

4. Department of Genetics, Louisiana State University, New Orleans, LA 70112

5. Comprehensive Cancer Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210


Nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) is involved in multiple skeletal muscle disorders, but how it functions in differentiation remains elusive given that both anti- and promyogenic activities have been described. In this study, we resolve this by showing that myogenesis is controlled by opposing NF-κB signaling pathways. We find that myogenesis is enhanced in MyoD-expressing fibroblasts deficient in classical pathway components RelA/p65, inhibitor of κB kinase β (IKKβ), or IKKγ. Similar increases occur in myoblasts lacking RelA/p65 or IKKβ, and muscles from RelA/p65 or IKKβ mutant mice also contain higher fiber numbers. Moreover, we show that during differentiation, classical NF-κB signaling decreases, whereas the induction of alternative members IKKα, RelB, and p52 occurs late in myogenesis. Myotube formation does not require alternative signaling, but it is important for myotube maintenance in response to metabolic stress. Furthermore, overexpression or knockdown of IKKα regulates mitochondrial content and function, suggesting that alternative signaling stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis. Together, these data reveal a unique IKK/NF-κB signaling switch that functions to both inhibit differentiation and promote myotube homeostasis.


Rockefeller University Press


Cell Biology








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