SCRIB controls apical contractility during epithelial differentiation


Boëda Batiste1ORCID,Michel Vincent2ORCID,Etournay Raphael3ORCID,England Patrick4ORCID,Rigaud Stéphane5ORCID,Mary Héloïse6ORCID,Gobaa Samy6ORCID,Etienne-Manneville Sandrine1ORCID


1. Institut Pasteur 1 Cell Polarity, Migration and Cancer Unit, Université Paris Cité, UMR3691 CNRS, , Paris, France

2. Institut Pasteur 2 Institut de l’Audition, Inserm UMRS 1120, Université Paris Cité, , Paris, France

3. Institut Pasteur 3 Plasticity of Central Auditory Circuit Unit, Institut de l’Audition, Université Paris Cité, , Paris, France

4. Institut Pasteur 4 Molecular Biophysics Core Facility, Université Paris Cité, UMR3528 CNRS, , Paris, France

5. Institut Pasteur 5 Image Analysis Hub, Université Paris Cité, , Paris, France

6. Institut Pasteur 6 Biomaterials and Microfluidics Core Facility, Université Paris Cité, , Paris, France


Although mutations in the SCRIB gene lead to multiple morphological organ defects in vertebrates, the molecular pathway linking SCRIB to organ shape anomalies remains elusive. Here, we study the impact of SCRIB-targeted gene mutations during the formation of the gut epithelium in an organ-on-chip model. We show that SCRIB KO gut-like epithelia are flatter with reduced exposed surface area. Cell differentiation on filters further shows that SCRIB plays a critical role in the control of apical cell shape, as well as in the basoapical polarization of myosin light chain localization and activity. Finally, we show that SCRIB serves as a molecular scaffold for SHROOM2/4 and ROCK1 and identify an evolutionary conserved SHROOM binding site in the SCRIB carboxy-terminal that is required for SCRIB function in the control of apical cell shape. Our results demonstrate that SCRIB plays a key role in epithelial morphogenesis by controlling the epithelial apical contractility during cell differentiation.


Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Institut Pasteur

Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale


Rockefeller University Press


Cell Biology







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