Immunological features of out-of-hospital pneumonia in children vaccinated with pneumococcal vaccine


Tukbekova B. T.1,Zhanpeissova A. A.1,Kizatova S. T.1,Sabiyeva M. M.1,Manapov T. S.2


1. NC JSC «Karaganda Medical University»

2. RSE «Regional Children's Clinical Hospital»


Аim. To identify the immunological features of out-of-hospital pneumonia in vaccinated children, to assess their impact on the severity of the disease.Materials and methods. The study was conducted in 2017-2019. 85 children with various degrees of severity were hospitalized in Karaganda from 2 months to 3 years. They were divided into 2 groups: the first included vaccinated children (n=45), the second included children with impaired vaccination (n=40). The control group consisted of 20 children.The calculation and evaluation of the results obtained was carried out on an IBM compatible computer with the Windows XP operating system using the MS Excel 2017 (Microsoft), SPSS 12.0.2 and Statistica 20 software package. Statistical analysis was carried out using the STATISTICA package. Numerical data is represented by indicators such as Me (median), Q1 (L-quartile or lower quartile point) and Q3 (U-quartile or upper quartile point). Kruskall-Wallace criterion calculated [Kruskall W., Walles W. A.]. The differences were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05.Results and discussion. The quantitative indicator of anti-inflammatory MCP-1 cytokines in vaccinated children with severe nosocomial pneumonia in early childhood is 7.21 [5.25; 9.03] pg/ml Me [Q1; Q3], and in children with immunization disorders-15.18 [6.13; 50.11] pg/ml Me [Q1; Q3] (Kruskal criteria-Wallis p<0.05). In children aged 2 months to 3 years, the quantitative indicator of anti-inflammatory cytokines MCP-1 in vaccinated children with mild nosocomial pneumonia is 2.13 [0.01; 3.02] pg/ml Me [Q1; Q3], and in children with immunization disorders –3.46 [0.04; 6.74] pg/ml Me [Q1; Q3].


Karaganda Medical University

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