Briefly on stem cells and regenerative medicine for practice


Chesca A.1,Abdulina G.2


1. Transilvania University of Brasov

2. Karaganda Medical University


Stem cells can be used in cellular therapy. This happened in order to replace damaged cells or having aim to regenerate organs. The definition of stem cells can be extended. From this point of view, we can mention taking in consideration the idea in which it is known that these cells form the base of the building body. More than, we can mention, that stem cells are characterized by two knowing properties – namely differentiation and self-renewal. Based on the observation that differentiation of adult stem cells into specific derivatives can be controlled by laboratory techniques, it is anticipated that adult stem cells may become the basis of therapies for many, and various types of medical conditions. Taking on stem cells, regenerative medicine (RM) it is known as being one of the hottest topics in biotechnology nowadays.From this purpose, stem cells can be used in regenerative medicine (RM). The principles of regeneration are found in different types of cultures, from long time ago, centuries etc.


Karaganda Medical University







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