The Effect of Intermittent and Continuous Instantaneous Strength Training on Biomechanical Ability, Technical Performance and Long Jump Success in Athletics




1. Baghdad Directorate of Education, Rusafa, Ministry of Education, Iraq


The use of discrete and continuous instantaneous strength training is a modern method that can develop the level of mechanical ability and achieve development in some biomechanical variables. The aim is to identify the use of continuous and discrete and continuous instantaneous strength, in developing the explosive ability, and the technical performance according to some biomechanical variables, and its direct impact on the development of the achievement of the Athletics for advanced in the long jump, the researcher hypothesized that there are significant statistical differences in the explosive ability and the technical performance According to some biomechanical variables and the achievement of the Athletics for advanced in the long jump, the researcher used the experimental method on a sample of (11) jumpers, representing the total research community. The research was applied to a sample of (8) jumpers From the National Center for Sporting Talent (Athletics for advanced) for applicants aged (17-21), for the season (2022-2023). Result: An increase in strength and speed was determined due to the use of special exercises using arm and leg weights. As a result of the measurements, Approach speed (Pre-test: 8.01±0.15; post-tes: 9.97±0.57), The Cruising Angle (Pre-test: 21.60±0.852; post-tes: 23.10±0.721) and Measurement pushing force (Pre-test: 23.10±0.721). test: 156.23±11.6; post-test: 310.12±37.7), High Jump (Pre-test: 5.75±0.21; post-test: 6.10±0.04) it was determined that there was an increase. In conludes; the researcher concluded that it is necessary to pay attention to technical performance during the performance of athletics activities.


International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences


Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,Life-span and Life-course Studies,Health (social science),Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

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