Opportunistic infections in people with II–IV clinical stage of immunodeficiency


Andrushchak M.O.,Sokolenko M.O.,Davydenko O.M.,Balaniuk I.V.,Syrota B.V.


In recent decades, opportunistic infections are a serious medical and social problem due to their spread and significant impact on the quality of life of HIV-infected people. Due to the significant spread of HIV infection, the importance of opportunistic infections is increasing, and diseases that did not play a significant role before are gaining fundamental importance. Therefore, the issue of detection and timely treatment of opportunistic infections is very relevant. Increasing depletion of the CD4+ subpopulation is characteristic of HIV infection, which should be considered as a manifestation of the increasing destruction of the immune system and its morphological structures. This disease is transmitted through blood, sexually and from HIV-infected mother to her child during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. A person living with HIV can feel well for many years and not know that he is infected, and later he becomes vulnerable to pathogens of infectious diseases and seeks medical help already at the late stage of the disease — the fourth. The only way to detect the presence of HIV in the body is to conduct a special blood test for HIV. The world is trying to stop the HIV epidemic. At the regular session of the UN General Assembly, the participating countries agreed to do everything possible so that by 2030 the disease stopped spreading, and people living with HIV were not discriminated against.


Publishing House Zaslavsky


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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