Central values of additive twists of cuspidal L-functions


Nordentoft Asbjørn Christian1ORCID


1. Mathematical Institute , University of Bonn , Endenicher Allee 60 , Bonn 53115 , Germany


Abstract Additive twists are important invariants associated to holomorphic cusp forms; they encode the Eichler–Shimura isomorphism and contain information about automorphic L-functions. In this paper we prove that central values of additive twists of the L-function associated to a holomorphic cusp form f of even weight k are asymptotically normally distributed. This generalizes (to k 4 {k\geq 4} ) a recent breakthrough of Petridis and Risager concerning the arithmetic distribution of modular symbols. Furthermore, we give as an application an asymptotic formula for the averages of certain “wide” families of automorphic L-functions consisting of central values of the form L ( f χ , 1 / 2 ) {L(f\otimes\chi,1/2)} with χ a Dirichlet character.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Applied Mathematics,General Mathematics

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