“Opioids are opioids” – A phenomenographic analyses of physicians’ understanding of what makes the initial prescription of opioids become long-term opioid therapy


Ljungvall Hanna12,Öster Caisa3,Katila Lenka4,Åsenlöf Pernilla1


1. Department of Women’s and Children’s Health , Uppsala University , Sweden

2. Department of Sociology, Centre for Social Work (CESAR) , Uppsala University , Sweden

3. Department of Medical Sciences , Uppsala University , Sweden

4. Department of Surgical Sciences , Uppsala University , Uppsala , Sweden


Abstract Objectives To explore prescribers’ understanding of what makes initial prescription of opioids become long-term opioid therapy (opioids >90 days). Methods A qualitative research design, phenomenography, was used for this study. Fifteen attending physicians working within primary, secondary and tertiary care in Sweden in the fields of general practice, rehab medicine, orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, or obstetrics and gynecology were purposively recruited consecutively until categorical saturation was reached. Semi-structured interviews were used for data collection. The transcripts were analyzed and categorized by two researchers. A third researcher checked for consistency between the data and the categories. An outcome space was constructed representing the logical relationship between the categories. Results The analysis identified six categories: The addictive opioid, The deserving patient, The ignorant prescriber, The lost patient, The compassionate prescriber, and The exposed prescriber. The differences in conceptions among the categories were clarified through three main contributors related to opioid therapy: prescriber’s characteristics, patient’s characteristics, and the healthcare organization. Conclusions Opioids were understood as being addictive with long-term use promoting a downward spiral of tolerance and withdrawal driving the pain, leading to continued prescription. Long-term opioid therapy could be justified for patients who improved in function, and who were perceived as trustworthy. Inadequate follow-up of patients, poor training in pain management and addiction medicine, personal attitudes and beliefs about opioids, a perceived professional obligation to treat patients with pain, and lack of collegial support, were factors understood to promote clinically unindicated long-term opioid therapy.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine,Neurology (clinical)








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