Ethical considerations of maternal-fetal surgery


Rousseau Abigail C.1ORCID,Riggan Kirsten A.1,Schenone Mauro H.2,Whitford Kevin J.3,Pittock Siobhan T.4,Allyse Megan A.15


1. Biomedical Ethics Research Program , Mayo Clinic Rochester , Rochester , MN , USA

2. Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology , Division of Maternal and Fetal Medicine, Mayo Clinic , Rochester , MN , USA

3. Department of Internal Medicine , Division of Hospital Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic , Rochester , MN , USA

4. Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine , Division of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, Mayo Clinic , Rochester , MN , USA

5. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology , Mayo Clinic , Rochester , MN , USA


Abstract The practice of maternal-fetal surgery (MFS) has expanded from lethal fetal conditions to conditions which are significantly disabling but not a lethal fetal abnormality. The inclusion of myelomeningocele within the scope of MFS in the 1990s sparked a renewed debate over the ethics of MFS. While demonstrating increasing efficacy and range of application, MFS continues to be ethically fraught due to the inherent tension between maternal and fetal interests. Ethical issues central to MFS include the patienthood of the fetus; the balance of risks and benefits between the woman and fetus; informed consent for experimental procedures; and determination of conditions that meet ethical qualifications for MFS intervention. These concerns are likely to persist and evolve as perinatal medicine continues to advance. Here we summarize the current state of MFS ethics, highlighting the major positions in the literature thus far as well as examine future directions. It is essential robust discussions of these important issues continue both to ensure ethical medical practice and to provide support to clinicians, pregnant women, and their families.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


Obstetrics and Gynecology,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

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1. The impact of fetal surgical procedures on perinatal anxiety and depression;American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM;2024-01

2. Fetal gene therapy;Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease;2023-08-07







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