From thinking fast to moving fast: motor control of fast limb movements in healthy individuals


Correia José Pedro12ORCID,Vaz João R.12ORCID,Domingos Christophe3ORCID,Freitas Sandro R.2ORCID


1. CIPER, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Universidade de Lisboa , Estrada da Costa, 1495-751 , Cruz Quebrada , Portugal

2. Laboratório de Função Neuromuscular, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, Universidade de Lisboa , Estrada da Costa, 1495-751 , Cruz Quebrada , Portugal

3. CIEQV, Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém , Av. Dr. Mário Soares nº 110, 2040-413 , Rio Maior , Portugal


Abstract The ability to produce high movement speeds is a crucial factor in human motor performance, from the skilled athlete to someone avoiding a fall. Despite this relevance, there remains a lack of both an integrative brain-to-behavior analysis of these movements and applied studies linking the known dependence on open-loop, central control mechanisms of these movements to their real-world implications, whether in the sports, performance arts, or occupational setting. In this review, we cover factors associated with the planning and performance of fast limb movements, from the generation of the motor command in the brain to the observed motor output. At each level (supraspinal, peripheral, and motor output), the influencing factors are presented and the changes brought by training and fatigue are discussed. The existing evidence of more applied studies relevant to practical aspects of human performance is also discussed. Inconsistencies in the existing literature both in the definitions and findings are highlighted, along with suggestions for further studies on the topic of fast limb movement control. The current heterogeneity in what is considered a fast movement and in experimental protocols makes it difficult to compare findings in the existing literature. We identified the role of the cerebellum in movement prediction and of surround inhibition in motor slowing, as well as the effects of fatigue and training on central motor control, as possible avenues for further research, especially in performance-driven populations.


Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


General Neuroscience

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