circRNF20 aggravates the malignancy of retinoblastoma depending on the regulation of miR-132-3p/PAX6 axis


An Dexiang1,Yang Jing2,Ma Linli34


1. Department of Ophthalmology, Lianyungang Maternal and Child Health Hospital , Lianyungang , Jiangsu Province , People’s Republic of China

2. Department of Pharmacy, Lianyungang Maternal and Child Health Hospital , Lianyungang , People’s Republic of China

3. Department of Ophthalmology, The Second People’s Hospital of Lianyungang , No. 41 Hailian Dong Road, Haizhou District , Lianyungang 222000 , People’s Republic of China

4. Department of Ophthalmology, The Oncology Hospital of Lianyungang , No. 41 Hailian Dong Road, Haizhou District , Lianyungang 222000 , Jiangsu Province , People’s Republic of China


Abstract Circular RNAs (circRNAs) serve as essential players in diverse human cancers, including retinoblastoma (RB). In this study, the function of circRNA Ring Finger Protein 20 (circRNF20) in RB progression was investigated. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, western blot assay or immunohistochemistry assay was performed to determine the expression of circRNF20, miR-132-3p and Paired Box 6 (PAX6). Dual-luciferase reporter assay, RNA immunoprecipitation assay and RNA pull-down assay were utilized to verify the relationships among circRNF20, miR-132-3p and PAX6. In vivo experiment was done for circRNF20 function in tumor formation. It was found that ircRNF20 level was increased in RB tissues and linked to advanced tumor, nodes, metastases (TNM) stage and poor overall survival rate. Deficiency of circRNF20 suppressed cell proliferation, migration and invasion and induced apoptosis in vitro, as well as blocked tumor growth in vivo. circRNF20 directly targeted miR-132-3p and miR-132-3p overexpression inhibited RB cell progression. PAX6 was the target gene of miR-132-3p. Moreover, miR-132-3p inhibition or PAX6 overexpression reversed circRNF20 deficiency-mediated effects on RB cell malignant behaviors. In addition, exosomal circRNF20 was able to promote RB cell progression. Thus, we concluded that circRNF20 served as an oncogene in RB progression through the circRNF20/miR-132-3p/PAX6 pathway.


Walter de Gruyter GmbH


General Medicine

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1. Hypoxia-circular RNA crosstalk to promote breast cancer;Pathology - Research and Practice;2023-04

2. Role of circular RNAs in retinoblastoma;Functional & Integrative Genomics;2022-12-22







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