Ethical Considerations When Conducting Pan-European Research with and for Adolescent Young Carers


Hanson Elizabeth12ORCID,Lewis Feylyn3ORCID,Barbabella Francesco12ORCID,Hoefman Renske4ORCID,Casu Giulia5ORCID,Boccaletti Licia6ORCID,Leu Agnes7ORCID,Hlebec Valentina8,Bolko Irena8ORCID,Santini Sara9ORCID,Svensson Miriam12,Becker Saul10ORCID,Magnusson Lennart12ORCID


1. Department of Health and Caring Sciences, Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden

2. The Swedish Family Care Competence Centre (NKA), Kalmar, Sweden

3. School of Nursing 179, Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Nashville, TN, USA

4. The Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP), Den Haag, the Netherlands

5. Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy

6. Anziani e non solo società cooperativa sociale, Capri, Italy

7. Medical Faculty, University of Basel, Institute for Biomedical Ethics, Basel, Switzerland

8. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

9. Centre for Socio-Economic Research on Aging, IRCCS INRCA-National Institute of Health and Science on Aging, Ancona, Italy

10. Faculty of Health and Education, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK


European Commission Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme


Informa UK Limited


Sociology and Political Science,Philosophy

Reference50 articles.

1. An egalitarian politics of care: young female carers and the intersectional inequalities of gender, class and age

2. Where are we now? Twenty-five years of research, policy and practice on young carers

3. Aldridge, J. 2020. “Working with Socially Excluded and Multiply Vulnerable Children in Research: Using Participatory Methods with Young Carers.” Ethical Research Involving Children. [Blog].

4. Too Vulnerable to Involve? Challenges of Engaging Vulnerable Groups in the Co-production of Public Services through Research

5. Is a “Wage-Payment” Model for Research Participation Appropriate for Children?

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