A Personalized Patient Preference Predictor for Substituted Judgments in Healthcare: Technically Feasible and Ethically Desirable


Earp Brian D.123ORCID,Porsdam Mann Sebastian1,Allen Jemima4,Salloch Sabine5,Suren Vynn6,Jongsma Karin7ORCID,Braun Matthias8ORCID,Wilkinson Dominic12910ORCID,Sinnott-Armstrong Walter11ORCID,Rid Annette12,Wendler David12ORCID,Savulescu Julian12ORCID


1. University of Oxford

2. National University of Singapore

3. Yale University and The Hastings Center

4. Monash University

5. Hannover Medical School

6. Independent Researcher

7. Julius Center of the University Medical Center Utrecht

8. University of Bonn

9. John Radcliffe Hospital

10. Murdoch Children’s Research Institute

11. Duke University

12. NIH Clinical Center



German Research Foundation as part of the CRC1483 EmpkinS

European Research Council as part of ERC Starting Grant SIMTWIN

Clinical Center Department of Bioethics, which is in the Intramural Program of the National Institutes of Health

Singapore Ministry of Health’s National Medical Research Council under its Enablers and Infrastructure Support for Clinical Trials-related Activities Funding Initiative

National University of Singapore under the NUS Start-Up grant

Wellcome Trust


Informa UK Limited


Health Policy,Issues, ethics and legal aspects

Reference67 articles.

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2. Fine-tuning language models to find agreement among humans with diverse preferences;Bakker M.;Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems,2022

3. Benzinger L. J. Epping F. Ursin and S. Salloch. 2023. Artificial Intelligence to support ethical decision-making for incapacitated patients: A survey among German anesthesiologists and internists. Pre-print available at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374530025.

4. Patients’ Interests in their Family Members’ Well-Being: An Overlooked, Fundamental Consideration within Substituted Judgments

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