The Social Motivation of a Sound Change


Labov William


Informa UK Limited


Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics

Reference3 articles.

1. Op. cit., pp. 74–84. See also H. Hoenigswald's remarks in “Are There Universale of Linguistic Change?” J. S. Greenberg, ed.Universali of Language.Cambridge, Mass., 1963. Footnote8: “Sound changes can apparently not be entirely predicted from internal, systemic stresses and strains, nor can they be explained as the effect of scatter around a target or norm; they have direction and are in that sense specific, much like other happenings in history.”

2. From U.S. Bureau of the Census.U.S. Census of Population: 1960.Number of Inhabitants. Massachusetts.Final Report PC(1)—23A. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1962. Table 7, page 23–11.

3. See O. Jespersen,A Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles, I, London: 1927, page 234, and H. Kökeritz,Shakespeare's Pronunciation, New Haven: 1953, p. 216. Among recent historical linguists, H. C. Wyld is a notable exception in positing a front first element in the transition of M.E.i: to Mod.E. /ai/, relying on occasional spellings witheyandei, but without considering the many other indications of central position. SeeA History of Modern Colloquial English, Oxford: 1920, pages 223–225.

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