Olfaction and gustation in blindness: a state of the art of the literature


Ricatti Maria Jimena,Savazzi Silvia,Cesari Paola,Cecchini Maria PaolaORCID


AbstractTo date, there are quite a few studies assessing olfaction and gustation in blindness, with great variability in sample size, participants’ age, blindness onset and smell and taste evaluation methods. Indeed, the evaluation of olfactory and gustatory performance can differ depending on several factors, including cultural differences. Therefore, here we analysed through a narrative review, all the works reporting a smell and taste assessment in blind individuals during the last 130 years, trying to summarize and address the knowledge in this field.


Università degli Studi di Verona


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Psychiatry and Mental health,Neurology (clinical),Dermatology,General Medicine

Reference50 articles.

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