Competitive interactions affect larval survival of two root-boring weed biological control candidates of Rumex spp


Klötzli Julie,Suter Matthias,Lüscher Andreas,Müller-Schärer Heinz,Schaffner Urs


AbstractIn weed biocontrol, the release of multiple candidates has been proposed as a way to increase herbivore load and thus impact on the target weed. However, the use of multiple herbivorous species may reduce overall herbivore load due to interspecific interactions. We assessed whether a combined application of two Pyropteron spp. (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) with root-boring larvae can increase larval infestation rate and impact on two Rumex weeds (Caryophyllales: Polygonaceae). In a laboratory assay (‘behavioural experiment’), interference competition was assessed by comparing the survival of a single larva (no competition), of four conspecific larvae (intraspecific competition) and of two larvae of each species (interspecific competition). In a common garden study (‘infestation and impact experiment’), the outcomes of competitive interactions were assessed on potted plants with single and mixed species applications of the two Pyropteron species using a replacement design. In the behavioural experiment, larval survival was similarly reduced under intra- and interspecific competition compared to no competition, suggesting strong interference competition among larvae independent of the Pyropteron species. In the infestation and impact experiment, mixed application did only scarcely increase herbivore load. Increased herbivore load was found to increase root decay when applied in an inundative approach by placing eggs directly on Rumex plants. However, a joint application of two Pyropteron species did not increase the impact. We propose that detailed behavioural and impact studies be conducted to assess the likely outcome of using multiple candidates in biocontrol programs to minimize associated risks with multiple species introductions.


Horizon 2020


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Insect Science,Agronomy and Crop Science

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