Super-gain antennas and optical resolving power


Di Francia G. Toraldo


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Astronomy and Astrophysics,Nuclear and High Energy Physics,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics

Reference15 articles.

1. R. K. Luneberg:Mathematical Theory of Optics (Providence, 1944) p.391.

2. For history and literature see:B. Dossier, P. Boughon andP. Jacquinot:Journ. des Rech. C.N.R.S., n. 11 (1950).

3. For comprehensive discussions and literature see:G. Toraldo di Francia:Nuovo Gimerto,7, 967 (1950).

4. S. A. Schelkunoff:Bell. Syst. Techn. Journ.,22, 80 (1943).

5. C. J. Bouwkamp andN. G. de Bruijn:Philips Res. Rep. 1. 135 (1946).

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1. Beyond superoscillation: general theory of approximation with bandlimited functions;Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical;2023-11-17

2. Roadmap on Label‐Free Super‐Resolution Imaging;Laser & Photonics Reviews;2023-10-30

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