Proposal of new diagnostic criteria for fatal familial insomnia


Chu Min,Xie Kexin,Zhang Jing,Chen Zhongyun,Ghorayeb Imad,Rupprecht Sven,Reder Anthony T.,Garay Arturo,Honda Hiroyuki,Nagayama Masao,Shi Qi,Zhan Shuqin,Nan Haitian,Zhang Jiatang,Guan Hongzhi,Cui Li,Guo Yanjun,Rosa-Neto Pedro,Gauthier Serge,Wang Jiawei,Dong Xiaoping,Wu Liyong


Abstract Background The understanding of fatal familial insomnia (FFI), a rare neurodegenerative autosomal dominant prion disease, has improved in recent years as more cases were reported. This work aimed to propose new diagnostic criteria for FFI with optimal sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratio. Methods An international group of experts was established and 128 genetically confirmed FFI cases and 281 non-FFI prion disease controls are enrolled in the validation process. The new criteria were proposed based on the following steps with two-round expert consultation: (1) Validation of the 2018 FFI criteria. (2) Diagnostic item selection according to statistical analysis and expert consensus. (3) Validation of the new criteria. Results The 2018 criteria for possible FFI had a sensitivity of 90.6%, a specificity of 83.3%, with a positive likelihood ratio (PLR) of 5.43, and a negative likelihood ratio (NLR) of 0.11; and the probable FFI criteria had a sensitivity of 83.6%, specificity of 92.9%, with a PLR of 11.77, and a NLR of 0.18. The new criteria included more specific and/or common clinical features, two exclusion items, and summarized a precise and flexible diagnostic hierarchy. The new criteria for possible FFI had therefore reached a better sensitivity and specificity (92.2% and 96.1%, respectively), a PLR of 23.64 and a NLR of 0.08, whereas the probable FFI criteria showed a sensitivity of 90.6%, a specificity of 98.2%, with a PLR of 50.33 and a NLR of 0.095. Conclusions We propose new clinical diagnostic criteria for FFI, for a better refining of the clinical hallmarks of the disease that ultimately would help an early recognition of FFI and a better differentiation from other prion diseases.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Neurology (clinical),Neurology

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