“Myo-cardiomyopathy” is commonly associated with the A8344G “MERRF” mutation


Catteruccia Michela,Sauchelli Donato,Della Marca Giacomo,Primiano Guido,Cuccagna Cristina,Bernardo Daniela,Leo Milena,Camporeale Antonella,Sanna Tommaso,Cianfoni Alessandro,Servidei Serenella


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Clinical Neurology,Neurology

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2. A coordinated multiorgan metabolic response contributes to human mitochondrial myopathy;EMBO Molecular Medicine;2023-05-24

3. Cardiac Involvement in Mitochondrial Disorders;Current Heart Failure Reports;2023-02

4. Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy;Motor System Disorders, Part I: Normal Physiology and Function and Neuromuscular Disorders;2023

5. Mitochondrial Cardiomyopathy: The Roles of mt-tRNA Mutations;Journal of Clinical Medicine;2022-10-30








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