Quality of Life in Hungarian Parents of Autistic Individuals


Volgyesi-Molnar MartaORCID,Gyori Miklos,Eapen Valsamma,Borsos Zsofia,Havasi Agnes,Jakab Zoltan,Janoch Laszlone,Nemeth Vivien,Oszi Tamasne,Szekeres Agota,Stefanik Krisztina


Abstract Purpose Parents of autistic individuals have been known to have a lower overall quality of life (QQL) than those of typically developing children. We present the first Hungarian large-sample study whose objective was to explore the differences in QOL between parents of autistic individuals (AS) and those of neurotypical (NT) persons. Methods Based on the ABCX model we developed a questionnaire comprising standardized scales to characterize the life of parents involved. Our data came from parents of 842 individuals (ASD = 521, NT = 321) between 0 and 49 years. Battery deployed standardized instruments to examine quality of life (WHO-QQL BREF and Quality of Life in Autism questionnaire, QOLA). We assessed the families’ socio-economic/demographic characteristics, parents’ psychological well-being, the autistic/neurotypical individuals’ characteristics, and the interventions. Results Our data showed significantly lower QOL in parents of autistic individuals in all domains of questionnaires. We analyzed 20 relevant factors to uncover the predictors of parental QOL. We confirmed the existence of most but not all predictors present in earlier literature and identified intervention-related predictors. Conclusion Our study confirms the importance of supporting parents in their role, and of providing health and social supports that focus on quality of life, in addition to child care.


Eötvös Loránd University


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Developmental and Educational Psychology








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