Antianemic activity of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) Collana Negra variety and kanihua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen) Ramis variety seed flour in anemic rats


Moscoso-Mujica GladysORCID,Mujica ÁngelORCID,Chávez JuanaORCID,Peña CarmenORCID,Begazo NoeliaORCID,Estrella Jumira,Estrada Zaira,Tello Liliana,Ramos Yeltsin,Rivera David,Inocente Carla,Huarca Fabricio


AbstractThe Andean grains from the Peruvian Altiplano, quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) and kanihua (Chenopodium pallidicaule Aellen) have high protein content and an optimal balance of essential amino acids and minerals such as iron (19.8 mg/100 g y 17.6 mg/100 g, respectively). The objective of this research was to evaluate the antianemic activity of extruded flour from quinoa seeds variety Negra Collana and kanihua variety Ramis in anemic Holtzman strain rats. The results of the proximal analysis showed high protein content in quinoa at 22% and kanihua at 16.2%, and the acute toxicity test showed harmlessness up to the dose of 15000 mg/Kg in both flours confirmed with the anatomopathological observation of organs such as liver, stomach, lung, kidneys, and brain. In the evaluation of the antianemic activity, a basal average of 29.3 ± 0.2% of hematocrit was observed in the group of anemic rats treated with quinoa flour, and in twelve weeks, it increased to 53.8 ± 0.3% of hematocrit (p ≤ 0.05). A group of anemic rats treated with kanihua flour had a basal average of 29.5 ± 0.3%, and in twelve weeks, it increased to 51.7 ± 0.3% (p ≤ 0.05). A group of rats without anemia treated with quinoa and kanihua flour showed a basal average of 50.2 ± 0.2% and 49.3 ± 0.3%; in twelve weeks, it increased to 55.2 ± 0.2% and 54.8 ± 0.1%, respectively. It was concluded that oral administration of 360 mg/Kg every 24 h of quinoa flour and kanihua flour increased hematocrit levels by 24.5 ± 0.5% and 22.2 ± 0.3%; weight 65.8 ± 0.3 g and 59.2 ± 0.1 g; height 6.8 ± 0.1 cm and 5.7 ± 0.5 cm, respectively (p ≤ 0.05). In rats without anemia increased hematocrit levels by 5.3 ± 0.0% and 5.5 ± 0.0%; weight 37.7 ± 0.1 g and 21.7 ± 0.05 g; height 4 ± 0.0 cm and 3.9 ± 0.0 cm, respectively (p ≤ 0.05).


Norbert Wiener Private University


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Physics and Astronomy,General Engineering,General Environmental Science,General Materials Science,General Chemical Engineering

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