Dietary supplements and vascular function in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy


Man Andy W C,Zhou Yawen,Xia Ning,Li Huige


AbstractHypertensive disorders of pregnancy are complications that can lead to maternal and infant mortality and morbidity. Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are generally defined as hypertension and may be accompanied by other end organ damages including proteinuria, maternal organ disturbances including renal insufficiency, neurological complications, thrombocytopenia, impaired liver function, or uteroplacental dysfunction such as fetal growth restriction and stillbirth. Although the causes of these hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are multifactorial and elusive, they seem to share some common vascular-related mechanisms, including diseased spiral arteries, placental ischemia, and endothelial dysfunction. Recently, preeclampsia is being considered as a vascular disorder. Unfortunately, due to the complex etiology of preeclampsia and safety concerns on drug usage during pregnancy, there is still no effective pharmacological treatments available for preeclampsia yet. An emerging area of interest in this research field is the potential beneficial effects of dietary intervention on reducing the risk of preeclampsia. Recent studies have been focused on the association between deficiencies or excesses of some nutrients and complications during pregnancy, fetal growth and development, and later risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases in the offspring. In this review, we discuss the involvement of placental vascular dysfunction in preeclampsia. We summarize the current understanding of the association between abnormal placentation and preeclampsia in a vascular perspective. Finally, we evaluate several studied dietary supplementations to prevent and reduce the risk of preeclampsia, targeting placental vascular development and function, leading to improved pregnancy and postnatal outcomes.


Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Physiology (medical),Clinical Biochemistry,Physiology

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