Beliefs in karma and reincarnation among survivors of violent trauma


Davidson Jonathan R. T,Connor Kathryn M.,Lee Li-Ching


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Psychiatry and Mental health,Social Psychology,Health (social science),Epidemiology

Reference16 articles.

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1. A qualitative phenomenological exploration of prolonged grief in New Delhi, India;Transcultural Psychiatry;2023-11-22

2. Association of Optimism, Causal Thinking, and Karma Beliefs with PTSD and Depression 8 Years After the Tsunami in Sri Lanka;International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology;2023-10-13

3. Learning a Lesson: Spiritual Attributions of Sexual Trauma and Revictimization;International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology;2023-04-22

4. Personal Versus General Belief in a Just World, Karma, and Well-Being: Evidence from Thailand and the UK;Social Justice Research;2022-06-12

5. Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders;Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders;2022-03-18







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