Sudden cardiac death in patients with diabetes


El-Atat Fadi A.,McFarlane Samy I.,Sowers James R.,Bigger J. Thomas


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism,Internal Medicine

Reference71 articles.

1. Center for Disease Control and Prevention: state-specific mortality from sudden cardiac death—United States, 1999 [no authors listed]. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2002, 51:123–126. This CDC MMWR issue provides the best current estimates of SCDs in the United States. It breaks down SCD by age, gender, and state where the death occurred. In many respects, the 1999 data are similar to the 1995 reference on 1993 data. The 1999 data show that the fraction of cardiac deaths that are sudden are the same in white persons, black persons, and American Indians, and lower in Asians and Hispanics.

2. Kannel WB, Schatzkin A: Sudden death: lessons from subsets in population studies. J Am Coll Cardiol 1985, 5:141B-149B.

3. Jouven X, Desnos M, Guerot C, Ducimetiere P: Predicting sudden death in the population: the Paris Prospective Study I. Circulation 1999, 99:1978–1983.

4. Curb JD, Rodriguez BL, Burchfiel CM, et al.: Sudden death, impaired glucose tolerance, and diabetes in Japanese American men. Circulation 1995, 91:2591–2595.

5. Kannel WB, McGee DL: Diabetes and glucose tolerance as risk factors for cardiovascular disease: the Framingham Study. Diabetes Care 1979, 2:120–126.







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