Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of monkeypox in children: an experts’ consensus statement


Jiang Rong-Meng,Zheng Yue-Jie,Zhou Lei,Feng Lu-Zhao,Ma Lin,Xu Bao-Ping,Xu Hong-Mei,Liu Wei,Xie Zheng-De,Deng Ji-Kui,Xiong Li-Juan,Luo Wan-Jun,Liu Zhi-Sheng,Shu Sai-Nan,Wang Jian-She,Jiang Yi,Shang Yun-Xiao,Liu Miao,Gao Li-Wei,Wei Zhuang,Liu Guang-Hua,Gang Liu ,Xiang Wei,Cui Yu-Xia,Lu Gen,Lu Min,Lu Xiao-Xia,Jin Run-Ming,Bai Yan,Ye Le-Ping,Zhao Dong-Chi,Shen A-Dong,Ma Xiang,Lu Qing-Hua,Xue Feng-Xia,Shao Jian-Bo,Wang Tian-You,Zhao Zheng-Yan,Li Xing-Wang,Yang Yong-Hong,Shen Kun-LingORCID


National Natural Science Foundation of China

Project of High-level Teachers in Beijing Municipal Universities in the Period of 13th Five-year Plan


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

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