Heart activity perception: narrative review on the measures of the cardiac perceptual ability


Körmendi JánosORCID,Ferentzi EszterORCID


AbstractMeasures of cardiac perceptual ability (also called cardiac accuracy) are methods of cardiac interoception, the perception of bodily sensation related to heart activity. This narrative review aims to provide an overview of these methods. We differentiate between three main measurement types: (1) change detection, i.e., when the task is to notice the change in the heart rate; also called: heart rate perception tasks, (2) discrimination tasks, i.e., when the task is to compare the internal sensations with external signal(s); also called: heartbeat detection tasks and (3) tracking tasks, i.e., when the task is to follow and report heartbeats via tapping or counting. We describe some of the new methods under “mixed methods,” as they share features with more than one of the large measurement types described above. Specific measures differ in various aspects, such as their focus (heart rhythm vs. single beats), their sensitivity to non-conscious sensations and the calculated indices (e.g., whether significance level by hypothesis test is provided). When a measure of cardiac perceptual ability is chosen, it is advisable to take its characteristics into consideration in light of the planned research.


Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovaciós Alap

Eötvös Loránd University


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

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