A Systematic Review of the Factors Associated with Post-Traumatic Growth in Parents Following Admission of Their Child to the Intensive Care Unit


O’Toole S.ORCID,Suarez C.,Adair P.,McAleese A.,Willis S.,McCormack D.


Abstract This systematic review aims to identify the demographic, clinical and psychological factors associated with post-traumatic growth (PTG) in parents following their child’s admission to the intensive care unit (ICU). Papers published up to September 2021 were identified following a search of electronic databases (PubMed, Medline, Web of Science, PsycINFO, CINAHL, PTSDpubs and EMBASE). Studies were included if they involved a sample of parents whose children were previously admitted to ICU and reported correlational data. 1777 papers were reviewed. Fourteen studies were eligible for inclusion; four were deemed to be of good methodological quality, two were poor, and the remaining eight studies were fair. Factors associated with PTG were identified. Mothers, and parents of older children, experienced greater PTG. Parents who perceived their child’s illness as more severe had greater PTG. Strong associations were uncovered between PTG and post-traumatic stress, psychological well-being and coping. PTG is commonly experienced by this population. Psychological factors are more commonly associated with PTG in comparison with demographic and clinical factors, suggesting that parents’ subjective ICU experience may be greater associated with PTG than the objective reality.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Clinical Psychology

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