Effects of a Sexual Risk-Reduction Intervention for Teenagers: A Cluster-Randomized Control Trial


Gómez-Lugo Mayra,Morales AlexandraORCID,Saavedra-Roa Alejandro,Niebles-Charris Janivys,Abello-Luque Daniella,Marchal-Bertrand Laurent,García-Roncallo Paola,García-Montaño Eileen,Pérez-Pedraza Diana,Espada Jose P.,Vallejo-Medina Pablo


AbstractThis study evaluated the efficacy of the COMPAS program in the short term and 6 months after its application. For the initial sample, 2047 teenagers aged 14–19 years from 14 schools in 11 Colombian cities participated; eight schools were randomly assigned to the experimental condition and six to the control group. The participants completed self-report assessments that evaluated several variables theoretically associated with protective sexual behaviors. In the short term, the experimental group showed increased knowledge about HIV and other STIs, sexual assertiveness, self-efficacy, greater behavioral intention toward condom use, and more favorable attitudes toward HIV and condom use than the control group. After 6 months, most psychological and health variables also showed a significant positive change. In conclusion, the COMPAS program is the first school-based sexuality education program that has been shown to be effective in reducing mediating and behavioral variables associated with sexual risk reduction in Colombia.


Fundacion Universitaria Konrad Lorenz

Universidad Miguel Hernández


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Infectious Diseases,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Social Psychology

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